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Perth Health and Care Services were funded by the Department of Communities to undertake the Better Access and Rights for CALD Australians project to increase the capacity of members of the Perth community to better advocate for people with disabilities from non-English speaking backgrounds.
The BARCA project aimed to address the issue that CALD communities do not access disability services at the same rate as the broader population, often due to a lack of awareness of services and entitlements
To address this issue, the project had objectives to increase knowledge, confidence, and skills of people living with disabilities from non-English speaking backgrounds, and to increase awareness of cultural and systemic barriers.
The project also aimed to support & encourage CALD participants, support networks, and ethnic communities to participate & become involved in community education and local advocacy as well as improve the CALD community's capacity to develop stigma reduction initiatives.
Our resources relating to the BARCA can be found below
Call us or fill in the form below to get in touch with us regarding our services.